Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons by Lorna Landvik
Bound by Books This book is about five neighborhood women who form a book club and friendships that span over thirty years. On a whim, Minneapolis housewives decide to start a book club in 1968, which they call “Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons” after one of their husbands makes a snide remark about their group. This club is about more than eating bon bons, or good desserts, though, or even the books they discuss. It’s about sharing a part of themselves. It’s about trust, and heartache, secrets and support. As the lives of these very different women move on with highs and lows, there are two things that remain constant: their friendships and the book club. For anyone who’s been involved in a book club, as I’ve been lucky enough to do now for almost a decade, this book is partiularly gratifying. It reminds me that books aside, we are a group of friends whose time together I truly value. The books are fun to discuss. We get riled up. We vent. We relate ...