
Showing posts from September, 2022

In Order to Live by Yeonmi Park

  A Life of Propaganda and Blind Loyalty Wow! Wow! Wow! Each page of this book exposes one new shocking revelation after another of life in North Korea. And a whole new nightmare begins when mother and daughter escape to China.     Yeonmi draws an alarming image of life in North Korea where people are told that the supreme leaders are immortal and can read minds. Itā€™s a country where critical thinking is forbidden, electricity is rare, people are taught to inform on one another, (sounds like Texas) and food is scarce. Starvation is an excruciating daily struggle. I cannot even fathom the extreme hunger of Yeonmi and everyone else in North Korea during the famine that started during the1990s.    Itā€™s tough to imagine such relentless horrors. A truly captivating, astonishing read!   ā€œI wasnā€™t dreaming of freedom when I escaped North Korea. I didnā€™t even know what it meant to be free.  All I knew was that if my family stayed behind, we would pro...

Little Free Art Gallery

 Free Art!!! We've heard a lot about Little Free Libraries, but I recently came across a Little Free Art Gallery.  And just like with the books, you can take a piece of art or leave one!  What a wonderful idea!   I've walked by it a couple times now, always tempted to take something.  Apparently there are a lot of talented people out there. But today, I actually took a bird sketch someone drew on the back of a food receipt.  It just makes me smile, so I took it home and framed it.  This Little Free Art Gallery is located at The Old School Building at Garden and 6th Street in Coeur d'Alene. Check it out! :)  Annette