The Glutton by AK Blakemore

 The Glutton by AK Blakemore.

This is an unusual historical fiction set around the French revolution, a dire and punishing time of great social divides. A near-death incident alters a man's physical constitution where he remains hungry no matter how much he eats. He gorges himself at street performances eating not just large quantities of food but also devouring unthinkable things from corks and belts to a trough of entrails and more unimaginable things.


Blakemore's writing is bewitching sophistication with a glut of extravagant words co-mingled with crude phraseology. Words crowned with an air of pretension glide next to vulgar expressive jargon - the his and hers set of “C” words make repeated appearances.


If you're adverse to violence, squeamish when someone eats a dead rat or worse, or offended by foul language, this may not be the book for you, yet it just may be the perfect read for someone coloring outside the lines.


While I did like the book, some things distracted me. It was magnificently ostentatious at times. It was disgusting yet intriguing. Bottom line is that it is definitely unique and I'm glad I read it.

It was based on a real person!! 😱

Happy Reading!



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