Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns
Cold Sassy Is Warm and Funny
Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns an amusing book set in the
early 1900s in a small town in Georgia. Narrated by Will Tweedy, the grandson
of Rucker Blakeslee, Will takes us through the years following his grandma’s
death (Rucker’s wife Mattie Lou). Rucker
caused quite a stir when the old cantankerous man decided to marry none other than
Miss Love Simpson, the hot younger milliner at Rucker’s store, just three mere
weeks after dear Mattie Lou departed this world. Rucker didn't give a hoot what
people thought about him, and that includes his shocked family. To top it all
off, Miss Love seemed to have him wrapped around her little finger. He started making little changes at home and
at the store that he never would have done for Mattie Lou, which doesn't sit
well with his daughters. Suddenly, Rucker looked clean and presentable. The fact
that the marriage is a “business arrangement” where he gets free help and after
his death Miss Love gets his house and furniture, does nothing to diminish the
daughters’ apprehension.
Happy Reading,