Keeping the House by Ellen Baker
Of Marriage and Mansions
Keeping the House by Ellen Baker is about a newlywed who moves into
a new town where her husband opens a car dealership with an Army buddy in 1950. Dolly
beings her married life there and starts to make friends while trying to please
her husband, which is not always so easy. Byron is a veteran of WWII who continues
to build a wall around him that Dolly has a difficult time penetrating. With the
help of popular magazines such as the Ladies' Home Journal, she strives to make her marriage work with tips like: “Take an interest in his appearance. Keeping his clothes in order is your job; encouraging
him to look his best and admiring him when he does should be your pleasure.”[i] As
amusing as this suggestion may be, it was sound and serious advice for the
times, but it is still not quite doing the job in making their marriage work. As
Dolly becomes more disillusioned with her husband, she also becomes more intrigued
with the big abandoned mansion in town. She
dreams of living in it and fixing it up—a true HGTV woman before her time. It becomes an obsession with her. Through the Ladies’ Aid quilting group she attempts
to learn more about generations of Mickelsons who lived in the grand home since
the late 1800s. The book meanders back and forth through the Mickelsons’ family
history as well as Dolly’s current life.
I found the book to be an interesting trip back in time and a fun read. I enjoyed Dolly's enthusiasm both in her marriage and her mansion mania. My book club liked it, too.
You’d be surprised at the number of table mats, napkins, curtains, and sports things that have to be ironed, even with only two in the household….
--Good Housekeeping, January 1950.

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